The Life & Love Transformation Group Program
for Singles

YES! I’m Ready. 

It’s Time to Create the Life I Desire & Have the Love I Deserve!
using “The Mindset for Success” system

Course Value Over $30,000

Website Advertised Price: $4997

2022 Holiday Special – NOW just $3247

SAVE $1750!


  • Get the $1000 Success in Dating program FREE!

Payment Plans Available

  • Option 1: $570 Deposit; and 5 Auto payments of $570 every 2 weeks to get all your Bonuses (a total of $3420)
  • Option 2: $350 Deposit and 9 Auto Payments of $350 every 2 weeks to get all your Bonuses (a total of $3500)
Program Starts March 20th, 2023 (4 month program with TWO EXTRA BONUS MONTHS)


Eliminate for Good Your Emotional Triggers & Negative, Fear-based Responses. Become Empowered & Confident to Live Your Best Life Now!

Bonus Package includes

– 2 Months FREE Group Coaching -$5000

– Private Focus Coaching Session Before Program – $1000

– 2 Private Coaching Sessions – $1000

– Copies of my latest Books “Anxiety Free Living & Loving Beyond 

Your Dreams” And “Happiness Beyond Your Dreams” – $1000

– Graduate Award Coaching Session – $1000

– Educational Resource Library – $5000

– Monthly Bonus Educational Handouts Prior To Starting – $2000

– Pay-In-Full Bonus-Success In Dating Course – $1000

Get $17,000 In Bonuses!!!

Get the $1000 Success in Dating program FREE! 

Life & Love Transformation Coaching for Singles

Bi-weekly virtual Educational Group Classes

Every other Monday over 6 months, Hour 1 – Learn The Trauma Recovery & Mindset for Success Skills

Bi-weekly Q & A Group Coaching on Your Concerns

2nd Hour; Personal Coaching on Your Questions to Help Your Transformation

Dating to Mating 5-Module Course for Singles

Learn the Research-based System that has Transformed so many Lives.

30 Minute Private Coaching

2 x 30 Minute Private Coaching sessions

2 Follow-Up Group

2 Follow-Up Group Check-in Sessions Post Graduation (Sept, Oct)

Personal Transformation, Mindset & Trauma Recovery Skills

You will practice and understand How to use these Skills for the Rest of your Life!


Being part of a supportive group of people who “Get You”

Accountability Partners

Riana will set you up with a Buddy to help each other stay accountable to your Growth & Progress

Guest Coach Appearances & Lessons

Amazing guest teachers adding additional content

This is For You if…..

You’ve Tried Everything & Nothing Worked to Help You Feel Better OR Find Love

To Find Love you Tried Years of Therapy, medication, other coaches, listened to tons of podcasts and summits, read every Self-Help book….You may be Successful in Business but you just Can't seem to Get Love right. It's time to invest in the Method that works!

You Have Years of Anxiety, bouts of Depression & Can’t Shake the Loneliness or Fatigue

You don't feel heard, no one “gets you”, you feel different, find it hard to focus, and “fake being happy." You've tried medication and still feel no Energy, Joy or Excitement for Life. THe Anxiety won't go away. You wonder, “Is this all there is to my Life?” You're Tired of Being Tired.

You’re “Stuck in Your Story”

Your thoughts and communication is often about what happened to you in your past. You can’t move on. You’re still pissed off, resentful, and feel violated. You turn to friends to vent, but they are tunning out or dropping you as a friend. You’re stuck in “Victim-mode.”

You Lack Trust, are Afraid to Date, yet Hate being Alone.

You often attach to the first person who gives you attention because it’s been so long since you “felt love.” You attract Toxic, Codependent, Addictive or Abusive Partners – over and over again, and can’t figure out why. You're Full of Frustration and Fear about Dating again.

You Have Low Self-Esteem and Confidence; and Stay Stuck in the Status Quo

You have dreams and goals for your life, but can’t stick to them, or easily quit. You stay in a job you hate just to get the paycheck. You know your Partner is Toxic, but hope they’ll change, and feel “someone is better than no relationship”

You Have Fear-based, Negative Thinking & Unhealthy Behaviors that Rule Your Life

You may realize you’re a People-pleaser, are Afraid to Speak Up, or have Moodiness you Know is not Healthy. You worry if people like you. You could be impulsive and may be concerned about addiction. You feel that Years of Childhood & Love Trauma may be sabotaging you in attracting an Emotionally Healthy Partner, and in having a Dynamic Career you’re proud of, but you don’t know how to get them.

You Can’t Change What You Don’t Know
or Understand.”

See What Our CURRENT Spring 2022 Students Are Saying About The Program

Watch Our Other Clients Excitement Over Their Amazing Life,

Love & Business Transformation!

Lia (35)

Now Happily Engaged!

Scott (48)
Now Happily Married!
Kirsten (46)

Mindset Helps Single Mom with Kids, Job Promotion & Dating Confidence

Jamie (33)

Now Happily Married with a Daughter!

Why this Group Coaching is Different

*Over 40 Years of Professional Experience
*Trademarked Research & Many Training Modalities

CCTP I + II: Advanced Certified Clinical Trauma Professional, Trauma Recovery Specialist

LMHC: Psychotherapist Tools used over 22 years in Private Practice

RCI: Cert. Singles & Couples Life Coach: 12 years & 1000’s of Testimonials

Cert. Mindset Success Coach: Specialist using Mindset Training over 40 years

LCADC: Licensed & Certified Addictions Counselor to Break Addictive Patterns

Creator: “The Childhood Trauma Checklist” & Research-based Healing Tools

Business Coach & College Professor teaching How to Get Your dream job

NLP – Neuro-Linguistic Programming Skills

Emotional Intelligence Tools for Conscious Awareness

Neuroscience & Brain-Based Trauma Healing

Spiritual Philosophy & Belief Systems Training

Experiential Group Learning Exercises; with Supportive Group Dynamic

Positive & Developmental Psychology

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Techniques

Trauma Release, Forgiveness Techniques & Practices

Conscious & Empowered Communication Skills

Conflict Management & Negotiation skills

Spiritual Divine Meditation & Breathwork

Sexual Confidence Education to Increase Intimacy Skills

The Art & Psychology of Dating Successfully & Online Profile Success Skills

Relationship Communication & Sustainability Skills

Experience as a Talent Agent & Fashion Stylist – Getting Your Look Together for Dating Success and the Best Online Pics

Personal Training with over 12 Top Coaches; I share the Best from the Best!

Personal Childhood & Love Trauma & Successful Recovery. I Understand You.


Read a Few of Our Client’s Success Stories


What is the deadline to enroll in the program?

The Group program starts Mon, March 20, 2023; but once the group is full. Classes will be held at 7:30 pm EST. The Group will be limited, so enroll now to get a spot. You also need time to do your Introductory Private Life & Love Transformation Assessment Session with me; so you know exactly what you will focus on in class. As soon as you enroll, this will be scheduled.

Will the classes be recorded?

Yes, each class will be recorded, but you will always reap the most benefits by attending each class live. Also, you get a Graduate Honors Gift of a 1-hour Private Coaching Session with me at the end when you attend every session live!

What Type of Support will I get during the program?

You get tons! We will meet every – other Monday for 6 months for 2 hours. One hour will be for an Educational lesson or Group Exercise, and the other hour will be for Q & A.

How much time will I personally have with Riana?

You receive One private 30-minute Coaching a month with me; for part one and part two of the program - a $2000 value! Plus, you get an Introductory Life & Love Transformation Assessment Session (a $497 value) so we can both be clear on what you will be focusing on in the program. In addition, be sure to have your worksheets complete and attend all the classes to get Your Graduation Honors Award of 1-Hour of Coaching at the end of the program to create your next 6-month goals and answer any final personal questions ($1000 value) You also have an opportunity to get a One-Time-Only Bonus of Extra Private Coaching sessions at incredible Savings when you enroll now. You can’t get this Coaching offer anywhere else, and you can’t buy this later; so take advantage of it!

How do I know it will work for me?

I have been teaching Mindset for Success and Trauma Recovery Skills for over 40 years. In combination with all the other expertise and experience I have had in both the Coaching and Counseling Professions; I know my program works! All you need to do is DECIDE you will be open to the process of coaching, complete your exercises on time, show up to class and actively participate. It’s that easy. I will do the rest. Be sure to read some of my client’s Testimonials Stories. It is my purpose and mission to see that each of my clients succeed!

What if I Don’t Have the Time?

You choose where you spend your time. You can continue to struggle and take HOURS trying to learn from free programs or books, or keep doing what you’ve always done - and still end up where you are today. Or, you can finally DECIDE you are worth carving out a couple of hours a month, for 6 months, to get the proven-educational Coaching system to Transform your Life, Love and Career as well as change the way You Feel about yourself – FOREVER. It’s totally worth putting this as your priority.

How many times a year do you hold this Group Program?

I offer this program once a year; right after the New Year. This timing is perfect to get your goals aligned for the year, to have an incredible summer, and to find Love for the Holidays!

Can I sign on anywhere in the world?

Yes! these classes are held on Zoom: and my clients are global. No matter where they live, they are totally committed to their Transformation and carve out the time to attend class!

What if I Don’t Have the Money?

You must finally DECIDE you are worth this investment in yourself and that you are COMMITTED to Changing Your Life FOREVER. When we REALLY Want something – we Find the Money, right? Think of all the foolish things you buy that don’t make any significance in your life. The clock is ticking….How many years have you dealt with the pain, anxiety, and anger about what happened to you? What type of Life do you Desire? Do you feel you Deserve a Better type of Partner and Relationship? To have a Purpose and to Love Your Career? Then take the Leap of Faith that so many others have – Fight the Childhood Or Ex’s messages that you Don’t deserve to be Happy – and DECIDE Today YOU are Worth it! Your Success is Your Best Revenge! Let’s Do this! Besides we offer 6-month payment plans if you choose to spread out your payments. Go to the enrollment page to get details

What is the Refund Policy?

The enrollment fee is refundable up to 30 days prior to the start date of 3/20/23. If you already received a Pay-in-full Bonus of The Success in Dating Course, that investment of $1000 will be deducted from your refund. Once the program begins, you will already be enrolled in the Life & Love Training Academy and The Dating to Mating Course, so the enrollment fee is non-refundable. Success is built over time with ongoing coaching and consistent practice of your learned Mindset and Trauma Recovery skills.

Over 40 Years Experience & Education; Successfully Teaching her “Mindset for Success” Life & Love Transformational System to millions of People of All Ages – leading to Outstanding Careers, Incredible Love Relationships & a Passionate, Joy-filled Life!

About Coach Riana Milne

Riana’s Mission is to Help Change the way the World Loves. Because of her dedication to her work, Riana has been featured in FORBES Magazine, selected as “One of the Top 10 Coaches to Follow in 2022” by Wealth Insider Magazine, just won the 2022 Top Global Female Entrepreneur and Top Wellness Coach by the GIVA Awards Committee. In 2021, she was selected as “One of the Top 100 Successful Women in the World.” In 2020 she won “The Best Life Coach & Psychotherapist” in her hometown of Delray Beach, FL. But if you ask this humble, down-to-earth lady what she does for a living, she says, “I Have the Honor to Help People” with a big, confident, loving grin!


“From Fear & Doubt to Personal Power, Purpose, Love & Success in All Life Areas.”

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